services |
LimeHouse offers a wide range of services, enabling us to provide our clients with a total solution. At LimeHouse we pride ourselves on being able to provide cost-effective solutions, that fit our clients current environments and satisfy their business requirements. To help accomplish this goal, we do not limit our solutions to the Windows platform, but also offer solutions based on open source technologies, such as Linux. This approach enables our clients to realise substantial savings on their IT related projects! |
software development |
Software development is our forte! LimeHouse offers the capability to
build reliable solutions, using a variety of technologies. Being able to
use these technologies in different environments, gives LimeHouse it's
edge. We excel in the development of:
consulting |
LimeHouse has been involved in various IT projects, over a number of years.
Drawing from our experience, LimeHouse's consultation services can
help a business: